Strategy as a Story (MBA)- kkusunoki@ics.hub.hit-u.ac.jp
Ken Kusunoki received his BA and MA from Hitotsubashi University’s Graduate School of Commerce. He has been a faculty member at Hitotsubashi University since 1992 and joined the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy in 2000.
Professor Kusunoki's research has appeared in many books, including Looking Back to the Future (2020, Nikei BP, in Japanese), Working Capability (2019, Takarajima-sha, in Japanese), A Life in the Room (2019, Shobunsha, in Japanese), It Starts from Your Likes and Dislikes (Bungei Shunjyu, 2019, in Japanese) Likes, Dislikes, and Talent (Toyo Keizai Shimposha, 2016, in Japanese); Anyway You Want It (Diamond-sha, 2016, in Japanese); Likes, Dislikes, and Management (Toyo Keizai, 2014, in Japanese); Reading Strategies (President-sha, 2013, in Japanese); Logic in the Sense of Management (Shincho-sha, 2013, in Japanese); Competitive Strategy as a Story (Toyo Keizai, 2010, in Japanese); and Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems and Innovation (edited by H. Itami, K. Kusunoki, T. Numagami, and A. Takeishi, Springer, 2010), among others. In addition, Professor Kusunoki has published papers in Organization Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Human Resource Management Journal, and other academic journals, as well as a number of articles for business magazines and newspapers.
Professor Kusunoki specializes in strategy. He has conducted consulting and executive seminars for many leading Japanese and global companies.