※ 専任教員及び一部の特任教員まで掲載
Why do people give? The role of identity in giving. Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol.19, No.3, pp.267-270.
著 者: |
Aaker, J. L., & Akutsu, S. |
発表年: |
2009年 |
Uncertainty, Risk Aversion and WTA versus WTP. Marketing Science, 2010 Vol.29 No. 1 pp.75-84
著 者: |
Okada, E. |
発表年: |
2009年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.1080.0480 |
Tacit Knowledge and Knowledge Conversion: Controversy and Advancement in Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory. Organization Science 2009 Vol.20 No.3 pp.635-652
著 者: |
Nonaka, I., von Krogh, G. |
発表年: |
2009年 |
URL: |
https://www.jstor.org/stable/25614679 |
- 詳細を見る
- Nonaka's paper [1994. A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation. Organ. Sci. 5(1) 14-37] contributed to the concepts of "tacit knowledge" and "knowledge conversion" in organization science. We present work that shaped the development of organizational knowledge creation theory and identify two premises upon which more than 15 years of extensive academic work has been conducted: (1) tacit and explicit knowledge can be conceptually distinguished along a continuum; (2) knowledge conversion explains, theoretically and empirically, the interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge. Recently, scholars have raised several issues regarding the understanding of tacit knowledge as well as the interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge in the theory. The purpose of this article is to introduce and comment on the debate about organizational knowledge creation theory. We aim to help scholars make sense of this debate by synthesizing six fundamental questions on organizational knowledge creation theory. Next, we seek to elaborate and advance the theory by responding to questions and incorporating new research. Finally, we discuss implications of our endeavor for organization science.
無形資産に関する米国の視点と日本での応用可能性『管理会計学:日本管理会計学会誌:経営管理のための総合雑誌』2009年17巻2号 pp.65-78
著 者: |
古賀 健太郎 |
発表年: |
2009年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.24747/jma.17.2_65 |
- 詳細を見る
- 無形資産が経済価値を生む原理には,「個別資産の経済価値の増大」と「資産の組合せによる経済価値の増大」とがある.人的資産に焦点を当てれば,前者は「従業員の能力を引出す」こと,後者は「従業員の協働を促す」ことに置き換えることができる.さらに,前者は,会計情報の意思決定誘導機能,後者は意思決定支援機能と密接に関係している.
Perspective on the productivity dilemma, Journal of Operations Management, 2009:Vol. 27 No.2 pp.99-113.
著 者: |
Adler,P.S., Benner, M., Brunner,D.J., MacDuffie, J.P., Osono,E., Staats, B..R., Takeuchi, H., Tushman, M.L., Winter, S.G. |
発表年: |
2009年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jom.2009.01.004 |