※ 専任教員及び一部の特任教員まで掲載
Preference-expectation reversal in the ratings of independent and interdependent individuals: A USA-Japan comparison: Preference-expectation reversal. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, v18, n2, (Jume 2015): pp.115-123
著 者: |
Hashimoto, H., Yamagishi, T. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.1111/ajsp.12094 |
- 詳細を見る
- We predicted and supported the prediction that a ‘preference-expectation reversal’ would occur among Japanese but not among Americans. American and Japanese participants evaluated ideal-typical independent and interdependent persons on the negative-positive dimension, and estimated how others would evaluate these persons. They also indicated their preference for acting like each of the target persons; that is, which of the two target persons they would prefer to act like. Both the American and Japanese participants wanted to act like the typical independent person rather than the typical interdependent person. However, the Japanese participants expected that others would evaluate the interdependent person more positively than the independent person. This preference-expectation reversal was not observed among the American participants. Further analysis demonstrated that the American participants' personal evaluations of the two targets were consistent with their preferences. The Japanese participants' personal evaluation represented a compromise between their preferences and the expected responses of others. These results suggest that the culturally shared belief in Japan that interdependent persons would receive more positive evaluations than independent persons created an incentive for them to behave interdependently despite their preferences.
To Be Perceived as Altruistic: Strategic Considerations That Support Fair Behavior in the Dictator Game. Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, Volume 5, No.2 (2014) pp.17-20.
著 者: |
Hashimoto, H., Mifune, N., Yamagishi, T. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.5178/lebs.2014.31 |
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- We successfully replicated Dana, Cain, and Dawes’ study (2006) using a dictator game with an exit option with a Japanese sample. The exit option allowed the dictator to leave the recipient with nothing by paying a small fee, while also ensuring that the recipient never noticed that the dictator game was being played. If the dictator was motivated by fairness, or even self-interest, there would be no reason to choose the exit option. However, our study, as well as the original study, demonstrated that approximately 40% of participants chose the exit option. Based on these results, we argue that the altruistic behavior exhibited during the standard dictator game represents a default strategy for reputation management.
The effects of self-construals, self-criticism, and self-compassion on depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 68, October 2014, pp. 65-70
著 者: |
Yamaguchi, A., Kim, M.-S., & Akutsu, S. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2014.03.013 |
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- The purpose of this exploratory study was to cross-culturally examine
associations among self-construals, comparative vs. internalized self-
criticisms, self-compassion, and depressive symptoms. 1200
undergraduates in the city of Kyoto, Japan, and 420 college students in
Tennessee and Michigan participated in this study. The results indicated
that both independent and interdependent self-construals were negatively
related to comparative self-criticism while positively related to
internalized self-criticism. Both forms of self-criticism negatively
affected self-compassion, while self-compassion lowered depressive
symptoms. In the U.S., independent (vs. interdependent) self-construal
had stronger impact on both types of self-criticism, while in Japan,
interdependent (vs. independent) self-construal had stronger impact on
both types of self-criticism, indicating that culturally dominant self-
construal has a larger influence on self-criticism. In both cultures,
internal (vs. comparative) self-criticism has a less negative impact on
self-compassion. Cultural specific tests are described to support the
The Role of Cognitive and Emotional Perspective Taking in Economic Decision Making in the Ultimatum Game. Plos One, 9.(20140925)
著 者: |
Takagishi, H., Koizumi, M., Fujii, T., Schung, J., Kameshima, S., Yamagishi, T. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0108462 |
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- We conducted a simple resource allocation game known as the ultimatum game (UG) with preschoolers to examine the role of cognitive and emotional perspective-taking ability on allocation and rejection behavior. A total of 146 preschoolers played the UG and completed a false belief task and an emotional perspective-taking test. Results showed that cognitive perspective taking ability had a significant positive effect on the proposer’s offer and a negative effect on the responder’s rejection behavior, whereas emotional perspective taking ability did not impact either the proposer’s or responder’s behavior. These results imply that the ability to anticipate the responder’s beliefs, but not their emotional state, plays an important role in the proposer’s choice of a fair allocation in an UG, and that children who have not acquired theory of mind still reject unfair offers.
Co-creation Orientation: Individual Difference across Firms and Customers ICServ 2014, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology proceedings
著 者: |
Ono, J., Fujikawa, Y., Akutsu, S., Haga, M. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
Service Globalization: Cultural Context, De/Re-contextualization Capabilities, and Knowledge Transfer Behavior ICServ 2014, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology proceedings
著 者: |
Fujikawa, Y. Ono, J., Haga, M., Akutsu, S. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
Spending Time versus Spending Money. Journal of Consumer Research 2004 Vol.31 No. 2 pp.313-323
著 者: |
Okada, E.M, Hoch, S.J. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/422110 |
文脈視点によるサービス価値共創モデルの研究『サービソロジー』2014年 1巻 2号 pp.18-21
著 者: |
藤川佳則 |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.24464/serviceology.1.2_18 |
In Search of Homo economicus. Psychological Science,2014, Vol. 25, No. 9, pp.1699-1711.
著 者: |
Yoshie, M., Yang, L., Toko, K., Toshio, Y., Haruto, T. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797614538065 |
- 詳細を見る
- Homo economicus, a model for humans in neoclassical economics, is a rational maximizer of self-interest. However, many social scientists regard such a person as a mere imaginary creature. We found that 31 of 446 residents of relatively wealthy Tokyo suburbs met the behavioral definition of Homo economicus . In several rounds of economic games, participants whose behavior was consistent with this model always apportioned the money endowed by the experimenter to themselves, leaving no share for their partners. These participants had high IQs and a deliberative decision style. An additional 39 participants showed a similar disregard for other people's welfare, although they were slightly more altruistic than those in the Homo economicus group. The psychological composition of these quasi- Homo economicus participants was distinct from that of participants in the Homo economicus group. Although participants in the latter group behaved selfishly on the basis of rational calculations, those in the former group made selfish choices impulsively. The implications of these findings concerning the two types of extreme noncooperators are discussed.
Cross-border gatekeeper of foreign creative industry products: The case of manga (Japanese comics) and sushi in French market. 2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore Proceedings, 149- 152, DOI: 10.15444/GMC2014.01.07.04
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- Needless to say, selling creative industry products in foreign markets is not easy.
Exporter/importer always faces the gaps between two countries due to cultural,
institutional (administrative), geographical, and economic barriers (Ghemawat 2007). To
fill those gaps, exporter/importer of creative industry products needs to take various
measures, including an adaptation to the local markets. Recent research has identified that
there are key players, namely cross-border gatekeepers (CBGs), who function to better
adapt foreign creative industry products to the local markets (Matsui, Uehara, & Washida
2014). However, there has been no research that explains the specific roles played by
these CBGs. Hence, this paper aims to fill the gap in literature by clarifying the CBGs’
roles. Based on the case study of two successful cases, manga (Japanese comic books)
and sushi in France, we propose conceptual framework of CBG’s roles in exporting
creative industry products.
Co-creation orientation of customers: Its effects on co-creation activities AMA SERVSIG 2014 proceedings
著 者: |
Ono, J., Fujikawa, Y., Akutsu, S., Haga, M. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
Physical attractiveness and cooperation in a prisoner's dilemma game. Evolution and Human Behavior, v.35, no. 6 (2014), pp.451-455.
著 者: |
Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2014.06.003 |
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- The modulating role of age on the relationship between physical attractiveness and cooperativeness in a prisoner's dilemma game (PDG) was investigated. Previous studies have shown that physical attractiveness is negatively related to cooperative choices among young men but not young women. Following the argument that the negative relationship between physical attractiveness and cooperation is a product of short-term mating strategies among attractive men, we predicted that this relationship is unique to young men and absent among women and older men. We tested this hypothesis with 175 participants (aged 22–69 years). The results showed that physical attractiveness was negatively related to cooperative behavior among young men but not among women or older men. We further observed that the negative relationship between physical attractiveness and cooperation among young men was particularly strong when attractiveness was judged by women.
ソーシャルエコノミーの時代における新しいサービスを考える 『サービソロジー』2014年Vol.1 No.1 pp。18-19
著 者: |
阿久津聡 |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.24464/serviceology.1.1_18 |
After pain comes joy: identity gaps in employees' minds. Personnel review 2014 Vol.43 No. 3 pp.419-437
著 者: |
Park, J.S. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-01-2013-0001 |
- 詳細を見る
- Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to bridge the theory of organisational identity and the practice of HR management.
This conceptual paper starts from the fundamental questions about employees ' defining-self in workplaces. Specifically, this paper examines the organisational identity by adopting a process model of sensemaking which assumes a dynamic cycle between the sensebreaking and sensegiving activities. Based on this, this paper develops and provides a practical framework for HR practitioners and a theoretical implication for academic researchers.
The author introduces the concept of identity gaps, a relatively under researched area in the social identity literature and HR management. Then, three types of identity gaps are identified: individual-individual gaps, organisational-organisational gaps, and individual-organisational gaps. Based on this categorization, this paper shows the matching HR practices for each type one by one.
Today ' s practices of HR seem to underestimate the importance of employees ' activities of defining self-identities even though academic research on employees ' identity is flourishing. By providing clear and structured framework for managing employee ' s identity, this paper can bridge the theory of identity and the practice in HR management.
Dynamic fractal organizations for promoting knowledge-based transformation - A new paradigm for organizational theory. European Management Journal Volume 32, Issue 1, February 2014, pp.137-146
著 者: |
Nonaka, I., Kodama, M., Hirose, A, Kohlbacher, F. |
発表年: |
2014年 |
URL: |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2013.02.003 |
- 詳細を見る
- How can a company become sustainably innovative? We propose that the company needs to have organizational forms that achieve a dynamic synthesis of knowledge exploration and exploitation. In this paper, we present the “dynamic fractal organization” as a new organizational model. This model departs from the conventional information processing paradigm. Instead, we present a new frontier in organizational theory: the “dynamic fractal organization based on dynamic ‘ba’.” Dynamic fractal organizations build and utilize a triad relationship of knowledge that integrates and synthesizes tacit and explicit knowledge and creates a third type of knowledge, phronesis. The triad relationship is an upward spiraling process of converting tacit and explicit knowledge, and propels sustainable knowledge transformation across the diverse boundaries within and between organizations, and their environments.
顧客ゴールの動的変容と思考形式の影響 ー顧客ゴール育成シナリオの可能性ー 『マーケティング・ジャーナル』(MJ 2014 WINTER 131) Vol. 33 No. 3 pp.46-71
「サービス業のグローバル・ブランディングに関する再考─ユニバーサル・スタジオの事例から―」『マーケティングジャーナル』2014年 Vol.33 No3 pp.108-126
著 者: |
鈴木智子 竹村幸祐 |
発表年: |
2014年 |
PDF: |
MJ131_07.pdf |
URL: |
https://www.j-mac.or.jp/mj/mj_detail.php?book_id=26 |
- 詳細を見る
- サービス業のグローバル化が進んでいる。複数の国で事業を行う際,グローバリゼーション戦略とロー
サービス・グローバリゼーション ー 脱コンテク スト化と 再コンテクスト化による知識移転プロセスー『マーケティング・ジャ ーナル』(MJ 2014 WINTER 131) Vol.33 No. 3 pp.72-92
- 詳細を見る
- 本論文の目的は,「サービス事業」を企業と顧客が共に価値創造を担う価値共創活動としてとらえ,そ
ルド調査を通じて明らかにすることにある。本研究は,世界 48 か国・地域(2013 年 3 月現在)におい
共創志向性 ー 事後創発 される価値の原動力ー 『マーケティング・ジャーナル』(MJ2014 WINTER 131)Vol. 33 No. 3 pp.5-31
- 詳細を見る
- 本論文は、企業と顧客の価値共創に関して「共創志向性」という対概念を示すことによって、なぜ特定の企業/顧客が価値共創に参加するのかという根源的な問題を読み解く手掛かりを提供する。価値共創に関する議論は、サービス・ドミナン卜・ロジックの基本的前提によるサービス概念.価値の捉え方、顧客観といったモノの見方にとどまらず、組織の共創能力、価値星座.目標のプロセス管理など、近年、それに関連する研究が積み上がっている。そうした中で、我々は、使用価値/文脈価値が生み出されるダイナミクスに着目し、その事前規定性と事後創発性という性質を指摘することによって、双方の共創志向性が、ダイナミズムを駆動する主たる原動力であることを示すとともに、それらを鳥瞰する概念枠組みを提示する。