※ 専任教員及び一部の特任教員まで掲載
Practical Strategy as Co-Creating Collective Narrative: A Perspective of Organizational Knowledge Creating Theory. Kindai Management Review 2015 Vol. 3
著 者: |
Nonaka, I., Hirose, A. |
発表年: |
2015年 |
経営人材は企業内で育てられるのか 『DIAMONDハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー』2015年5月号 ダイヤモンド社
第14回ポーター賞受賞企業に学ぶ 『一橋ビジネスレビュー』2015年 Vol.62 No.4 pp.168-181
労働経済学研究の現在―2012~14年の実績を通じて 『日本労働研究雑誌』No.656 2015年2・3月号 pp.2-36
著 者: |
小野浩 酒井正 勇上和史 横山泉 |
発表年: |
2015年 |
失敗する経営 『リスクマネジメントTODAY』Vol.88 2015年1月15日号 一般社団法人リスクマネジメント協会
Salary. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society. Edited by Frederick F. Wherry and Juliet B. Schor. December 2015 Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications pp.1437-1438
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Salary is payment that is determined by workers’ input. In contrast to performance pay (or piece rates), in which compensation is determined by output, salary is usually independent of output. Hence, the commonly used expression “fixed salary” suggests a form of base pay in which workers are guaranteed a fixed payment for a particular period regardless of their performance. Input is some measure of effort, and is generally time-based, as in hours or days worked. Becoming salaried requires a minimum level of effort that is stipulated in advance—for example, 8 hours a day or 20 days per month.
The Hierarchy Myopia of Organizational Learning. Seoul Journal of Business 2015 Vol.21 No.2 pp.71-104
著 者: |
Park, N.K., Lee, J., Choi, K. |
発表年: |
2015年 |
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Previous studies have been interested in how to maximize both the efficiency and the effectiveness of organizational learning. On the flipside, some studies have investigated the critical barriers to learning. We suggest organizational hierarchy as another cause and theoretically explore how it can deter learning performance. Specifically, we argue that the configuration of structure determines a prevalent form of learning method in an organization to consequently affect its learning performance. Using simulation modeling, we show that non-hierarchical organizations may be a better learning environment than hierarchical organizations. We also show that the contextual factors, such as problem complexity and member regrouping, may affect the base-line result. This study subsequently calls for further attention be paid to the key issues concerning the hierarchy and organization learning performance.
サービス・ドミナント・ロジック: IoT時代の新たな価値づくり 『DIAMONDハーバードビジネスレビュー』「別冊 IoTの競争優位」2016年1月号 pp.60-63
The Role of Debt Securities Markets. Bank for International Settlements Papers 2015 Vol.83 pp.41-64
著 者: |
Hattori, M., Takats, E. |
発表年: |
2015年 |
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Debt securities markets in emerging market economies (EMEs) have grown over the past decade. The growth was particularly strong for domestic debt securities, which have increased from around one third of EME GDP to around one half. Although international debt securities have demonstrated slower growth, bonds still overtook bank loans in international financing flows. This growth was, however, heterogeneous, reflecting economy-specific factors. While bonds bring economic benefits, especially in funding diversification, the rapid growth in debt securities markets also raises financial stability risks.
対談 楠木建 新薬ビジネスで価値を提供する アステラス製薬 『東洋経済オンライン』
著 者: |
東洋経済企画広告制作チーム |
発表年: |
2015年 |
Polymorphism of the oxytocin receptor gene modulates behavioral and attitudinal trust among men but not women. Public Library of Science
著 者: |
Nishina, K., Takagishi, H., Inoue-Murayama, M., Takahashi, H., Yamagishi, T. |
発表年: |
2015年 |
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A relationship between the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) and behavioral and attitudinal trust has been suggested, but the nature of this relationship has not yet been established. We obtained behavioral trust data from 470 Japanese participants (242 women) aged 20- 59 years, together with their levels of general trust and personality traits (NEO-FFI). Saliva buccal swabs were collected from 411 of these 470 participants and used for genotyping of OXTR rs53576. Our participants were found to have more AA alleles (40%) than GG alleles (12%). The GG men were more trusting and also rated higher on attitudinal trust than AA men, and this difference did not diminish when personality traits were controlled for. However, this pattern was not observed among women. In addition, controlling for attitudinal trust reduced the difference in behavioral trust among men to a non-significant level, but the difference in attitudinal trust remained significant when behavioral trust was controlled. These results indicate that the OXTR genotype affects attitudinal trust as part of an individual's relatively stable disposition, and further affects behavioral trust through changes in attitudinal trust.
競争戦略を”ストーリー”で考えないとあなたの会社は成長できない 『ダイヤモンドオンライン』
なぜ経営陣が不仲な企業が成功できるのか インテルの創業者3人が織りなす愛憎劇 『東洋経済オンライン』
企業、負債の活用に節度を 資本構成に余裕必要 日本経済新聞 2015年8月4日
価値づくりのイノベーション㊦ 複数の市場を巻き込む 日経MJ 2015年7月13日
「1990年代以降の日本型雇用―頑強な長期雇用と変化の萌芽」田中亘・ 中林真幸 編『企業統治の法と経済―比較制度分析の視点で見るガバナンス』2015年 有斐閣 pp.281-297
価値づくりのイノベーション㊤ モノとサービス一体に 日経MJ 2015年6月29日
The Repository of Soft Information within Bank Organizations. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 2015 Vol.47 No.4 pp.737-770
著 者: |
HattoriI, M., Shintani, K., Uchida, H. |
発表年: |
2015年 |
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We examine who is the repository of soft information within bank organizations. Inconsistent with the conventional view of loan officers as the sole repository, we find that branch managers have the most soft information. We also find the repository at a higher hierarchical level at smaller banks. Furthermore, our evidence suggests that branch managers themselves actively collect soft information, especially at smaller banks. These findings suggest the need for a more nuanced view beyond the conventional emphasis on loan officers, and call for studies on the equilibrium design of the collection, processing, and use of soft information within bank organizations.
繊維産業シンポジウム講演抄録 未来企業:信念で未来を創る 『経営センサー5月号』2015 No.172
戦略なきM&Aの愚 統合を成功させる条件 『DIAMOND MANAGEMENT FORUM プロ経営者の教科書 CEOとCFOの必修科目』2015 ダイヤモンド社 DIAMOND MANEGAMENT FORUM編集室編 pp.42-43
Australia's relationship with Japan: changes, drivers and future directions 『目白大学総合科学研究』2015年 第11号 pp.41-52
著 者: |
Wallace, C. |
発表年: |
2015年 |
学会展望:労働経済学研究の現在 ― 2012~14年の実績を通じて 『日本労働研究雑誌』2015年 No. 656 pp.2-36
著 者: |
小野浩 酒井正 勇上和史 横山泉 |
発表年: |
2015年 |
社長はボスでもリーダーでもなく、「大名」 高島宏平・オイシックス社長の好き嫌い(下)『東洋経済オンライン』
漫画の影響で「マッキンゼー」を辞めた男 高島宏平・オイシックス社長の好き嫌い(上)『東洋経済オンライン』
基調講演 楠木建「イノベーションの本質」ワークプレイス・イノベーション・フォーラム2014 『東洋経済オンライン』
著 者: |
東洋経済企画広告制作チーム |
発表年: |
2015年 |
Race and Ethnic Relations in Contemporary Japan. International Handbooks of Population Volume 4 pp.219-237
著 者: |
Ono, H., Ono, H. |
発表年: |
2015年 |
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Throughout history, Japanese society has placed a high value on the idea of its monoethnicity. The concept of one-nation -one-race had particularly strong weight during the years of heightened nationalistic sentiment prior to the Second World War, and was an effective tool for uniting the nation against wartime enemies. In contrast to the perceived virtues of monoethnicity, racial or ethnic heterogeneity was seen as a cause of social ills. The U.S., for example, was seen as a country that lacked harmony and societal strength. Today, the idea of monoethnicity is largely viewed as a “myth”, and no longer has serious political or social meaning. In fact, after a long history of downplaying (if not denying) the existence of ethnic minorities, there is now renewed interest in examining race and ethnic relations in Japan. This chapter is devoted to the description of these ethnic groups and their role in Japanese society. Although a number of ethnic groups coexist in Japan, their numbers constitute only a tiny fraction of the Japanese population – at most 2.8 %. Yet while Japan may not be a monoethnic society, it is still relatively monoethnic, and remains ethnically homogeneous, at least in comparison to the industrialized nations of Europe and the U.S.