Presentations at well-recognized academic conferences
ESG Management and Credit Risk Premia: Evidence from Credit Default Swaps for Japan’s Major Companies
Author: |
Kei-Ichiro Inaba |
Year: |
2022 |
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- SEACEN-BOJ Online Course on Issues and Challenges in Macroeconomic and Monetary Theory (hosted by Bank of Mongolia), The SEACEN Centre, K. L., Malaysia.
October 21, 2022
The Crowding Out Effect of Fiscal Expansion on Corporate Borrowing. 2022 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia, Tokyo, Japan. August 9, 2022
Author: |
Zefeng Chen, Masazumi Hattori, Mai Li, Haonan Zhou |
Year: |
2022 |
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- This paper uncovers a large and unintended spillover effect of expansionary fiscal policy on corporate borrowing. Using a proprietary firm-bank-loan level data from Japan,we provide causal evidence that the significant expansion in the Japanese GovernmentBonds (JGBs) issuance starting from year 1998 crowded out the corporate bonds thatcould have been issued by industrial companies. The affected companies switched to banks for long-term funds to maintain a stable debt maturity structure. Upon the fiscal shock, 1) firms that have relied heavily on bond market began to borrow more long-term loans and extend their bank loan maturity stronger than the comparable counterparts did; 2) no significant effect on short-term loans is found; 3) such fiscal crowding-out effect on bank loans is not driven by bank's credit supply but rather firm's credit demand. We build a simple preferred-habitat model consistent with these findings.
Time Matters Less When Outcomes Differ: The Cross-modal Effect in Different Types of Intertemporal Choices. Behavioral and Experimental Economics Seminar Department of Economics and Business, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain July 14, 2022
Author: |
Yamamoto, S., Read, D., McDonald, R. |
Year: |
2022 |
Sustainable Thoughts for US, Sustainable Feelings for Others. Society for Consumer Psychology Boutique Conference, Honolulu July 12, 2022
Author: |
Erica Mina Okada, Yoshiko Ishikawa |
Year: |
2022 |
Telework in a Land of Overwork: It's Not That Simple or Is It? Sciety for the Advancement of Socio-Economics 2022 Amsterdam July 11, 2022
Author: |
Hiroshi Ono |
Year: |
2022 |
Work and Happiness in Japan: Macro- and Micro-Views. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics 2022 Amsterdam July 11,2022
Author: |
Hiroshi Ono, Kristen Schultz Lee |
Year: |
2022 |
The Crowding Out Effect of Fiscal Expansion on Corporate Borrowing. The34th Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting June 28, 2022 Virtual Conference
Author: |
Masazumi Hattori |
Year: |
2022 |
Time Preferences are Affected when Intertemporal Choices Look Like Investments and Loans. Asia Pacific ESA Meeting, University of Osaka, Osaka, Japan, (Virtual) March 18 2022
Author: |
Yamamoto, S. Shotaro, S. |
Year: |
2022 |
"How COVID-19 Has Transformed Japan's Culture of (Over-)Work" Presented at Department of sociology colloquium, Texas A&M University, September 2021.
Author: |
Hiroshi Ono |
Year: |
2021 |
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- The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted labor markets around the world. Workers and corporations scrambled to adjust their workstyles to a new normal, by avoiding the commute and working remotely from their homes or elsewhere. Japan is a country that stood out for its inability to adjust to the remote work environment. Comparative statistics show that Japan reported the lowest number of people engaged in remote work among the OECD countries, as well as the lowest percentage of corporations that offered remote work policies.
In this colloquium, I will discuss why telework in Japan is difficult. The lack of telework in Japan may seem paradoxical, given the country's reputation for being technologically advanced. I argue that it is not the technological infrastructure that is lacking in the Japanese workplace, but distinct features of work embedded in Japanese culture and its collectivist roots that prevent the effective implementation of telework. I rely on recently published data from various sources, and apply key sociological theories such as implicit contracts, gift exchange, dramaturgy and impression management to substantiate my main arguments. The paper concludes by drawing on implications for the future of work in Japan.
"Taxonomies of Digital Vulnerability and COVID-19 Exposure Risk Profiles" Presented at Digital Inclusion Policy and Research Conference, University of Liverpool (online event), September 2021.
Author: |
Jeremy Schulz, Hiroshi Ono, Matias Dodel, Gejun Huang |
Year: |
2021 |
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- ABSTRACT. In this article, we build upon our previous work "Digital inequalities in time of pandemic: COVID-19 exposure risk profiles and new forms of vulnerability" to examine two time intervals in the COVID-19 pandemic: the first wave in the late spring/early summer of 2020 and one year later at the onset of mass vaccination. We compare the two time intervals to chart the impact of digital inequalities across one year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the CERPs typology (see PDF), we argue that new kinds of risk have emerged with the COVID-19 virus, and that these risks continue to be unequally distributed. As we expose to view, digital inequalities and social inequalities continue to render certain subgroups significantly more vulnerable to exposure to COVID-19. Vulnerable populations bearing disproportionate risks include the social isolated, older adults, penal system subjects, digitally disadvantaged students, gig workers, and last-mile workers. Therefore, we map out the intersection between COVID-19 risk factors and digital inequalities on each of these populations in order to examine how the digitally resourced have additional tools to mitigate some of the risks associated with the pandemic. We shed light on how the ongoing pandemic is deepening key axes of social differentiation, which were previously occluded from view. These newly manifested forms of social differentiation can be conceived along several related dimensions. At their most general and abstract, these risks have to do with the capacity individuals have to control the risk of pathogen exposure. In order to fully manage exposure risk, individuals must control their physical environment to the greatest extent possible in order to prevent contact with potentially compromised physical spaces. In addition, they must control their social interactional environment to the greatest extent possible in order to minimize their contacts with potentially infected individuals. All else equal, those individuals who exercise more control over their exposure risk -- on the basis of their control over their physical and social interactional environments -- stand a better chance of staying healthy than those individuals who cannot manage exposure risk. Individuals therefore vary in terms of what we call their COVID-19 exposure risk profile (CERPs). CERPs hinge on preexisting forms of social differentiation such as socioeconomic status, as individuals with more economic resources at their disposal can better insulate themselves from exposure risk. Alongside socioeconomic status, one of the key forms of social differentiation connected with CERPs is digital (dis)advantage. Ceteris paribus, individuals who can more effectively digitize key parts of their lives enjoy better CERPs than individuals who cannot digitize these life realms. Therefore, we show that, both during the first wave of the pandemic and one year later, that digital inequalities are directly and increasingly related to both life-or-death exposure to COVID-19, as well as excess deaths attributable to the larger conditions generated by the pandemic. Authors span four continents: Jeremy Schulz, Hiroshi Ono, Matías Dodel, Gejun Huang, Antonio A. Casilli, Paola Tubaro, Laura Robinson, Aneka Khilnani, Shelia R. Cotton, Noah McClain, Lloyd Levine, Wenhong Chen, Anabel Quan-Haase, Deb Aikat, Maria Laura Ruiu, and Massimo Ragnedda.
Humans and machines in the emergence of service ecosystems: Addressing false dichotomy by embracing paradox. The 7th Naples Forum on Service September 9, 2021
Author: |
Fujikawa Yoshinori, Shishiyama Kohei, Oue Shingo, Suzuki satoko |
Year: |
2021 |
Humans and machines in the emergence of service ecosystem: Addressing false dichotomy by embracing paradox. The 2021 Naples Forum on Service (The 7th Naples Forum Service). Capri, Italy 6-9 September 2021
Author: |
Fujikawa Y., Sishiyama K., Oue S., Suzuki S. |
Year: |
2021 |
Time Preferences are Influenced if Questions Look Like Investments or Loans. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making 2021 Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom (Online) August 23, 2021
Author: |
Yamamoto, S., Shintaro, S. |
Year: |
2021 |
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- Most of the previous findings on time preferences are about choices of gains. However,
intertemporal choices often involve losses sooner and gains later, as seen in investments, or gains
sooner and losses later, as seen in loans. We conducted an experiment presenting intertemporal
questions with Investment Frame and Loan Frame so that the questions seem like investments
and loans although the potential outcomes across these conditions are identical. We found that
time preferences were affected by the framing, and the patterns we obtained cannot be explained
by either the conventional economic theory or loss aversion. This study has an important policy
implication to influence individuals' patience without altering finial outcomes.
Cybershaming: Theorizing organizational shame in the digital age. 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021, Amsterdam (Virtual Conference) July 8-10, 2021
Author: |
Ramesh Krishnan, Jinju Lee |
Year: |
2021 |
Board Composition and Corporate Fraud: Refining the Insider-Outsider Model. Presented at Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (online event), 33rd annual meeting, 2021.
Author: |
Asuka Takaoka, Hiroshi Ono |
Year: |
2021 |
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- Corporate fraud is a growing problem across the globe. Previous studies have explored the relationship between governance structure and fraud occurrence with mixed results. While some scholars contend that there is a negative relationship between outside board members and corporate fraud (e.g. Beasley 1996), others explain that weaker governance mechanisms and passive boards can increase the likelihood of fraud (Zahl et al 2005). Both studies point out the conflicting findings regarding the effectiveness of outside directors. The inconclusive nature of previous studies, and the possibility that results may depend on the context as well as governance structures inspired us to conduct our present work.
In this paper, we examine the relationship between board composition and corporate fraud in the case of Japan. We conducted statistical analyses to test whether board homogeneity can affect the occurrence of frauds in companies listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We constructed a database of corporate fraud compiled from various data sources: Toyo Keizai Directory of Corporate Executives, Nikkei NEEDS Financial Database, and Sustaina Database of Corporate Fraud. Our database consists of approximately 9,000 firm-years during 2010 and 2016. For our analyses, we constructed four categories of directors: (i) lifetime directors (i.e. those who joined the company as fresh graduates), (ii) mid-career directors (i.e. not lifetimer but hired at mid-career prior to becoming director), (iii) outside directors, and (iv) outside auditors. Under this framework, (i) and (ii) are viewed as insiders, and (iii) and (iv) are viewed as outsiders. This categorization is a refined approach to conventional studies which used a binary distinction to the insider-outsider model. Distinguishing insiders into two distinct groups - lifetimers versus midcareer - allows us to test a more nuanced research question, that not all insiders (nor outsiders) are the same. All statistical models control for financial performance and indicators such as net profit ratio, ROE and debt ratio.
The results of panel regressions reveal that an increase in the proportion of lifetime directors significantly increases the frequency of corporate fraud occurrence. More interestingly, an increase in the share of midcareer directors significantly decreases the frequency of corporate fraud. The results also show that an increase in the proportion of outside directors and outside auditors are marginally correlated with fraud occurrence.
Do insider directors increase the risk of corporate fraud? Our study suggests that it depends on how an insider is defined, because not all insiders are the same. Fraud occurrence is positively correlated with lifetime directors, but negatively correlated with midcareer directors. Our findings make a contribution to the behavioral agency model, by providing further context to the insider-outsider distinction of corporate governance and its relationship to corporate fraud.
The finding that outsider directors may increase the risk of fraud points to the possibility of "gray" (i.e., non-independent) outside directors, which include family members, former employees, etc. with previous relations to the company. Gray directors are less likely to strictly monitor management than truly independent directors (Uzun, Szewczyk and Varma, 2004).
The Impact of Gender Role Orientations on Subjective Career Success: A Multilevel Study of 36 Societies. AIB 2021 Onlince Conference June 25 - July 1,2021
Author: |
Tong., J.L.Y.T., Suzuki, S. ,et al. |
Year: |
2021 |
Independence-interdependence as a moderator of team diversity and new product creativity. IPDMC 2021 June 6-8, 2021 Online
Author: |
Suzuki, S. Takemura, K. |
Year: |
2021 |
Covid-19 and telework: An international comparison. Presented at Japan Economic Association Meeting, May 2021
Author: |
Hiroshi Ono, Takeshi Mori |
Year: |
2021 |
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- This paper uses identical surveys conducted in July 2020 in eight countries - U.S., U.K.,
Germany, Italy, Sweden, China, South Korea, and Japan - and examines telework use within
and across countries. Data were collected from 2,060 persons ages 15+ per country, for a total
of 16,480 persons in eight countries. We seek to answer the following questions: (1) Which
demographic and socio-economic groups are more likely to use telework? (2) Is there any
association between telework and other work-related outcomes such as life satisfaction and
productivity at work? Our findings reveal that patterns of telework use are different not only
geographically, but also between countries that adopted telework early (U.S., Sweden and
China) and those that adopted it later. Within each country, there are notable differences in
telework use between low and high income persons, and between those employed in small
versus large firms. We also find that people who used telework before COVID-19 report
higher life satisfaction compared to those who started using telework for the first time after the
COVID-19 outbreak
Toward dynamic process model of digital transformation. Japan marketing Academy, spring Research Project Festival, March 13, 2021
Author: |
Fujikawa, Y., Imai, No., Kondo, K., Horiuchi, K. and Okawa, H. |
Year: |
2021 |
"Covid-19 and telework: An international comparison" Demographic Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Consequences, Wittgenstein Centre Conference December 1, 2020
Author: |
Ono, H., Mori, T. |
Year: |
2020 |
Does Knowledge Transfer Influence Host Country Local's Turnover?: In the Context of a Korean MNC. SMS Virtual Conference, October 29, 2020
Author: |
Jin Suk Park, Jaeyoon Chang, Taehun Lee |
Year: |
2020 |
Dynamic process model of digital transformation: Process Details. Japan Marketing Academy, Marketing Conference, October 17, 2020
Author: |
Fujikawa, Y., Imai, N., Kondo, K. and Okawa, H. |
Year: |
2020 |
Lifetime Advantage at the Top? The Norm of Lifetime Employment and CEO Succession in Japan, 13th Annual People and Organizations Conference, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (Online), October 2-3. 2020
Author: |
Jung, J., Mun, E., Ono, H. |
Year: |
2020 |
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- While much research has examined how corporate governance affects employment relations, the
present study is one of very few that explores how the latter affects the former. Specifically, we
examine how the changing nature of employment relations affects CEO succession in Japan.
While known for their strong norm of lifetime employment, Japanese firms began to depart from
it after the country's economic bubble burst in the early 1990s. We argue that the ensuing
transformation of employment relations has had a long-term impact on executive succession,
because it has altered the composition of groups competing for executive positions and fueled
intra-organizational power struggles. Analyzing careers of all executive board members at all
non-financial firms listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange from 1992 to 2012, we find that despite
the weakening of the norm of lifetime employment, board members who were lifetime
employees (lifetimers) enjoyed some premium in the competition for CEO succession. The
relative advantage of this group, however, significantly declined in the 2000s. More strikingly,
outsiders, defined as those who joined the company as executive board members, came to enjoy
a larger premium than lifetimers, especially when the company's board consisted of few
lifetimers. Our analysis demonstrates the utility of studying CEO succession as part of the
broader labor market and as the result of cumulative processes that push up certain groups of
employees over others.
"Taylor Rule Yield Curve" presented at 2020 Japanese Economic Association Autumn Meeting (Virtual Conference) on October 2, 2020
Author: |
Hattori, M., Mineyama, T., Nakajima, J. |
Year: |
2020 |
Taylor rule yield curve, European Economic Association Annual Congress 2020 Online, August 25, 2020
Author: |
Hattori, M., Mineyama, T., Nakajima, J. |
Year: |
2020 |
The Effects of Diversity on New Product Creativity, 27th Innovation and Product Development Conference (IPDMC) , Online, June 7-9, 2020
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Takemura, K. |
Year: |
2020 |
Welfare States and the Redistribution of Happiness. Presented at Deutsche Institute of J apan, DIJ Forum
Author: |
Ono, H., Lee, K.S |
Year: |
2020 |
The Trap of Complementarity in Postmerger Integration of Equal Merger. European Group for Organizational Studies, Kyoto, Japan, December 2019.
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F., Lee, J. |
Year: |
2019 |
When the Positive Effects of Work Meaning Search on Worker's Mentality Become Negative: The Case of a Company in Jeopardy, The European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) and Organization Studies Kyoto Workshop 2019, December 13, 2019
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F., Lee, J. |
Year: |
2019 |
Liability of Authenticity, The European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) and Organization Studies Kyoto Workshop 2019, December 13, 2019
Author: |
Suzuki, S. |
Year: |
2019 |
Filing the Social Void with Action: Workplace Loneliness and Brand Enactment on Sense of Power, The European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) and Organization Studies Kyoto Workshop 2019, December 13, 2019
Author: |
Lee, J., Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F. |
Year: |
2019 |
“Welfare States and the Redistribution of Happiness. Lahore University of Management Science , Lahore, Pakistan, November 2019
Author: |
Ono., H., Lee, K. S. |
Year: |
2019 |
Discovering inflammatory structure of depression symptoms in Japanese employees. Applying Neuroscience to Business, Yokohama, Japan, September 2019.
Author: |
Soeishi, T., Nakata, A., Nagata, T., Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F., Tondokoro.T. |
Year: |
2019 |
Making economic growth and well-being compatible: Evidence from Japan Fourth Annual Conference of the Japan Economy Network August 27, 2019
Author: |
Francesco Sarracino, Kelsey J. O'Connor, Hiroshi Ono |
Year: |
2019 |
Organizational Performance Implications of Internal Labor Markets. American Sociological Association 114th Annual Meeting, New York, August 10-13, 2019
Author: |
Ono, H., Brymer, R. |
Year: |
2019 |
Effect of "Hidden" Messages in Service Encounters on Customer Satisfaction and Moderating Role of Regulatory Focus, 2019 AMA Summer Academic Conference, Chicago, IL, August 9-11, 2019
Author: |
Suzuki, S. |
Year: |
2019 |
Alliance Portfolio Complexity and Order-of-Entry Effects in International Alliance Formations, Academy of International Business, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 25, 2019
Author: |
Lee, J., Park, N.K., Mezias J.M. |
Year: |
2019 |
The Impact of Perceived Creativity in New Product Development on Employees' Job Attitudes, 26th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Leicester, U.K., June 10-11, 2019
Author: |
Park, J.S., Suzuki, S. |
Year: |
2019 |
The Service Context of Meanings and its Dynamicity: The Case of Japanese Restaurant Market in Bangkok. The 2019 Naples Forum on Service, Ischia, Italy. June 4-7, 2019
Author: |
Suzuki S., Matsui, T., Uehara, W., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2019 |
Cultural Differences in Trait Inferences of Brand Personality. 48th EMAC Annual Conference May 28-31,2019 University of Hamburg, Germany
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2019 |
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- This study examines cultural differences in the extent to which people infer traits for brands. Based on the recent findings regarding cultural variations in trait inferences, we hypothesized that Westerners who have stronger tendency to infer traits from social behavior can more associate brands with human traits than East Asians. To test our hypothesis, we developed a bi-cultural brand personality scale and compared brand personality perception in two cultures, particularly the U.S. and Japan. The findings showed that Japanese have a tendency to characterize brands either Rugged or Peaceful, whereas Americans described each brand differently and all five dimensions of Sincerity, Sophistication, Ruggedness, Excitement, and Peacefulness were notable. Ruggedness reflects a highly culture-specific meaning of the U.S. and Peacefulness reflects the same for Japan. Japanese may be forming impressions about the brands by drawing inferences about the context of brands (i.e., local versus foreign brand) than the brand's personality traits.
Conference Paper Emergence of Value Co-Creation: Agent-Based Modelling on Behavioral Patterns of Customer, Corporation, and Regulator. Joint International Conference of Service Science and Innovation and ServiceologyAt: Taichung, Taiwan
Author: |
Fujikawa, Y., Oue, S., Nishiyama, K |
Year: |
2018 |
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- The purpose of our research is to identify the mechanism by which value co-creation emerges on an open innovation platform. Our approach is a multi-method field study, combining quantitative analysis on customer behavior data on an open innovation platform "LEGO CUUSOO" and qualitative case analysis on LEGO products developed through the platform. Keywords: Value co-creation, open innovation platform, agent-based model 1 INTRODUCTION As a further development of Fujikawa, Oue and Nishiyama (2016), where an agent-based model (ABM) simulates voting patterns of customers on the open innovation platform, we extend the model to a multi-period and multi-product ABM and explicitly incorporate expected and realized values created on the platform. This research intends to reveal how actually observed macro dynamics emerge from individual expectations and decisions of many customers and how interventions by regulator may alter the voting patterns and thus the submission patterns of ideas. Research on value co-creation has identified how interactions between users and corporations emerge new value in corporate management context (Prahalad and Ramaswami 2003, 2004). User innovation research explained that source of innovation can be found outside of corporation and thus rational for innovators differ from that of corporations (von Hippel 1986). User driven innovation theory also explained how an online platform with voting mechanism allows users to participate to create a market and at same time suggest potential market opportunity to corporation (Ogawa 2005). While the extant research has clarified how the emergence of co-creation happens in a static state, there are limited explanations to explain the dynamism of emergence of value co-creation. In the real-world community, values are co-created not only by users and corporation but other actors as result of complex interactions (Lemons 1996). Research in service science attempted to explain the emergence of value co-creation in value constellation model (Vargo and Lusch 2008). Actor-to-actor model tries to simplify the interactions by limiting the interaction of an on online platform and by focusing the interactions amongst three actors; users, corporations and regulators (Nishiyama and Fujikawa 2016). The actor-to-actor model suggested that value co-creation on online platforms could be influenced by regulators, but it does not explain how regulators actually controls the outcome. Neither this research suggest the causal effect to the emergence of value co-created are conducted to date.
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Welfare States and the Redistribution of Happiness The 4th Policy Forum of Hitotsubashi University in the 30th Fiscal Year of Heisei
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2018 |
Making economic growth and well-being compatible: policies for inclusive growth in Japan The 16th East Asian Economic Association International Convention, Taipei, Taiwan October 2018
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2018 |
Mood, nudge and willingness to work. Japanese Economic Association, Autumn Meeting 2018.
Author: |
Yamamoto, S., Quoiach, J., Navarro-Martinez, D., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2018 |
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- In order to overcome procrastination, a notification or peer information
intervention can be a useful tool. However, previous research has not
investigated how mood affects the responses to notifications to do tasks nor
examined how mood influences the effect of a peer information intervention.
We conducted an eight-day experiment with smartphones to test these effects.
The results show that acceptance rates of invitations to do real effort tasks are
higher in more positive mood and that the effect of the peer information is
stronger when mood state is more negative. This is possibly because people in
positive mood pay little attention to the peer information which is considered as
the details.
A Socially Sustainable Economic Growth: the Example of Japan. 2018 Japanese Economic Association Autumn Meeting, Gakushuin University
Author: |
Ono, H., O'Connor K., Sarracino, F. |
Year: |
2018 |
Making economic growth and well-being compatible: policies for inclusive growth in Japan. 113th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August 11-14, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
Author: |
O'Connor, K., Ono, H., Sarracino, F. |
Year: |
2018 |
Marketing in the steady-state economy: Conceptual model and propositions 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, Japan. 26-29/07/2018
Author: |
Iwamoto, A., Suzuki, S., & Kawakami, T. |
Year: |
2018 |
Bicultural brand personality model: A case of Japan and the U.S. 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, Japan. 26-29/07/2018
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Akutsu, S., Haga, M. |
Year: |
2018 |
Self-gifting in interdependent cultures: Japanese single women and self-compassion EMAC 2018 Conference, Glasgow, U.K. 29/05-01/06/2018
Author: |
Suzuki, S.,Kanno, S. |
Year: |
2018 |
Dynamic process of place image construction: Focusing on the Japan image in the Bangkok’s Japanese cuisine industry. 68th Annual Meeting on Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, Tokyo Japan 25-27/05/2018
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Matsui, T., Uehara, W. |
Year: |
2018 |
Bicultural identity orientation of college students in the US and Japan, International Communication Association (ICA) Conference 2018.
Author: |
Yamaguchi, A., Kim, M.S., Oshio, A., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2018 |
Career mobility in the embedded market: A study of the Japanese financial sector. Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Alternative Economic Models and Responses to Decline in Contemporary Society, Poland, Warsaw May 21-22, 2018
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2018 |
Because I'm Afraid to Be Punished. I Don't Give: The Role of Relational Mobility and Fear in Charitable Behavior. The 4th International Conference on Asian Marketing Associations, Bangkok, Thailand, April 20-22,2018
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Akutsu, S., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2018 |
Pedigree, Prestige and Elite Formation in Postwar Japan: A Long-term Perspective. 87th Annual Meeting Eastern Sociological Society February 23-26,2017 Philadelphia
Author: |
Kawaguchi, D., Ono, H. |
Year: |
2018 |
The Evolution of Inflation Expectations in Japan The 549th Monetary Economics Seminar of Kobe University
Author: |
Hattori, M. |
Year: |
2017 |
Globalization, Diversity and Mobility in the Japanese Labor Market. The 2nd Annual International Conference of Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management ETIMM 2017, Bucharest, Romania, September 28-30, 2017
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2017 |
Pedigree, Prestige and Corporate Elites in Postwar Japan. 112th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. August 12-15, 2017 Montreal Canada
Author: |
Kawaguchi, D., Ono, H. |
Year: |
2017 |
The Evolution of Inflation Expectations in Japan
Author: |
Hattori, M., Yetman, J. |
Year: |
2017 |
New Customers for an Old Service: A Case of Sushi in Japan (Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCTC) Disneyland, CA , July 11, 2017)
Author: |
Yamauchi, Y., Suzuki, S., Matsui, T. |
Year: |
2017 |
The Effects of Diversity in Innovation: The Moderating Role of Universal-Diverse Leaders (Academy of International Business (AIB2017), Dubai, July 5, 2017)
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Takemura, K. |
Year: |
2017 |
The Evolution of Inflation Expectations in Japan 2017 Japanese Economic Association Spring Meeting in Ritsumeikan University
Author: |
Hattori, M., Yetman, J. |
Year: |
2017 |
We have feelings but we can’t show them! Authoritarian leadership, group emotion suppression climate, and group performance. The 10th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, June 2017.
Author: |
Chiang, J.T.J., Chen, X. P., Gu, L., Zhang, Y., Akutsu, S., Mao, J.Y. |
Year: |
2017 |
Effect of Culture and Gender on Attitude toward Cobranded Products SCP-JACS, Keio University, May 19, 2017
Author: |
Suzuki, S. Sood, S., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2017 |
The Evolution of Inflation Expectations in Japan Research Seminars 2017 Research Institute of Capital Formation Development Bank of Japan
Author: |
Hattori, M., Yetman, J. |
Year: |
2017 |
Pedigree, Prestige and Elite Formation in Postwar Japan: A Long-term Perspective. 87th Annual Meeting Eastern Sociological Society February 23-26, 2017 Philadelphia, USA
Author: |
Kawaguchi, D., Ono, H. |
Year: |
2017 |
Unhappiness in the post-communist countries. International Conferences on Well-being (ICWB2016) October 31 -November 1, 2016 Singapore
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2016 |
Towards the sociology of happiness. International Conferences on Well-being (ICWB2016) October 31 -November 1, 2016 Singapore
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2016 |
Consuming “To Have No Self”: Kawaii Consumption in Japanese Women’s Identity Work, Association for Consumer Research 2016, October 28, 2016, Berlin Germany
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Kanno, S., Mizukoshi, K., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2016 |
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- This paper explores consumption and identity using data collected in Japan. We find that consumptions are sometimes used to
"eliminate" a sense of self contrary to past researches proposing
"extended self." In the society where self-expression has less significance possessions don't necessarily define individuals or aid in
maintaining their identity.
New AIDA model in the omni-channel age. Poster presented at the 2016 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations October 21-22, 2016 China
Author: |
Iwamoto, A., Suzuki, S., Kawakami, T. |
Year: |
2016 |
Human Centric Innovation and Digital Future, ICServ 2016: International Conference of Society for Serviceology, Shibaura Institute of Technology, September 6, 2016.
Author: |
Takashige, Y., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2016 |
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- Digital technology is advancing rapidly, changing businesses,
society and our everyday lives. This is digital transformation. It is
expected that 50 billion or more things will be connected by 2020.
The Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics will give
a significant impact to all industries. Business leaders are already
aware of the potential of digital, because it will give tremendous
opportunities of growth as well as enormous challenges. Digital
may disrupt their existing businesses, unless they take any effective
actions now. In this revolutionary time, what must they do?
In this key note, Yoshikuni Takashige of Fujitsu will talk about
on how businesses will be able to approach to digital, using real
examples. The key is to put people in the center, providing human
centric services. This is realized by empowering people with digital
information and digitalized things. Fujitsu calls this Human Centric
Innovation. He will also elaborate on steps toward shaping ecosystems, which are critical for creating value in the digital era. For
this, it will be essential to leverage a new type of digital business
Yoshinori Fujikawa of Hitotsubashi University will join Yoshikuni
Takashige to discuss the importance of a multi-sided platform and
what actions businesses should consider to enable this. They will
also discuss the impact of Artificial Intelligence and how people
can shape a different future.
Disentangling effects of society-level wealth and individual-level wealth on independence: An examination through regional differences in China. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 23rd International Congress, Nagoya August 2, 2016
Author: |
Takemura, K., Hamamura, T., Guan, Y., Suzuki, S. |
Year: |
2016 |
The Moderating Effect of Interdependent Self‐Construalin the Case of the Causal Relationship From Job Satisfaction to Organizational Commitment. Poster presented at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 23rd International Congress, N
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F., Kitayama, S., Uchida, Y. |
Year: |
2016 |
Testing a moderated mediation model of transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of organizational identification and interdependent self-construal. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 23rd Internati
Author: |
Katsumura, F., Akutsu,S., Chiang, J.T.J. |
Year: |
2016 |
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- Previous research in industrial psychology has shown that Transformational leadership (TFL) leads to higher Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). We examined the mediating role of Organizational Identification (OI) in this relationship and further investigated that whether such indirect effects of TFL on OCB were contingent upon individual worker's interdependent self-construal. As predicted, the results of our study (N=187, average age=29.82) indicated that OI mediated the relationship between TFL and OCB. Specifically, TFL positively influenced OI, which in turn, resulted in increasing levels of OCB. Moreover, this indirect effect of TFL on OCB through OI was stronger for workers with high (vs. low) interdependence. Our finding may shed light on the explanation of OI in the causal relationship from TFL to OCB, and that of individual's interdependent self-construal moderating the mediation effect of OI. Rationale and theoretical implications are provided.
Trust and gender: The impact of social value orientation and control on men's strategic behavior in the Trust Game. 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, 2016.07.28.
Author: |
Inoue, Y., Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2016 |
Construal Based Comparison of Consumer Choice in Japan versus the US. 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 Yokohama, Japan
Author: |
Okada, E.M. |
Year: |
2016 |
Social genomics of positive mindsets: Molecular correlates of optimism. 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama 2016.7.25
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Kitayama, Sh., Cole, S., Uchida, Y., Katsumura, F. |
Year: |
2016 |
Marketing in steady-state economy: Exploratory case study on pioneering firms. 2016 Global Marketing Conference, July 21-24, 2016 Hong Kong.
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Iwamoto, A., Kawakami, T. |
Year: |
2016 |
Value Co-creation on Open Innovation Platform: Agent-Based Modelling on Behavioral Patterns of Customer, Corporation, and Regulator ICSSI International Conference on Service Science and Innovation National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan) June 22-24,
Author: |
Fujikawa, Y., Oue, S., Nishiyama, K. |
Year: |
2016 |
Gender and the Internet, revisited. Eastern Sociological Society 86th Annual Meeting, Boston, March 17-20-2016
Author: |
Ono, H., Zavodny, M. |
Year: |
2016 |
“Service Globalization: Knowledge Transfer Process of Value Co-creation,” Knowledge Co-creation Forum, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, March 11-12, 2016.
Author: |
Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2016 |
When interdependence fails in Japan: Work attachment in domestic versus foreign-owned companies. The 17th Annual Convention of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, California, January 2016.
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F., Kitayama, S., Uchida, Y. |
Year: |
2016 |
Nouns vs verbs: The part of speech effect on construal level and its implications to cultural comparisons. The 17th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, California, January 2016.
Author: |
Inoue, Y., Akutsu, S., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2016 |
The interaction between one’s interdependence and the perception of other’s interdependence: Effects on emotional reaction and work evaluation in Japan. Poster presented at the cultural psychology preconference of 17th Annual Convention of Society for Pe
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F., Kiyatama, S., Uchida, Y. |
Year: |
2016 |
Cross-stock market spillovers through variance risk premiums and equity flows. ADBI Annual Conference 2015: Global Uncertainty, Macroeconomic Shocks and Growth in Asia ADBI, Tokyo, Japan
Author: |
Hattori, M., Shim, I. Sugihara, Y. |
Year: |
2015 |
Is job mobility associated with interdependence-independence and adjustment-influence? 56th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Social Psychology October 31-November 1, 2015 Tokyo
Author: |
Takemura, K., Suzuki, S. |
Year: |
2015 |
Heuristic and Deliberative Decision Making in Five Economic Games. International symposium on Prediction and Decision Making in 2015 The University of Tokyo October 31, 2015
Author: |
Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Towards the Sociology of Happiness. Conference: Behavioral Economics /Frontier of Behavioral Finance, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University, September 11-12, 2015
Author: |
Ono, H., Lee, K.S. |
Year: |
2015 |
Research on Japan-US differences in donation behavior 43rd Annual Meeting of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan September 1-4, 2015 Tokyo
Author: |
Haga, M., Suzuki, S. |
Year: |
2015 |
Gender and the Internet, revisited. 110th American Sociological Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL, August 24, 2015
Author: |
Ono, H., Zavodny, M. |
Year: |
2015 |
Physical qualities of men and women predict their success in different sphere of life. 11th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Philippine social science center Diliman, Quezon City Philippine, August 22, 2015
Author: |
Inoue, Y., Arai, S., Yamagishi, T |
Year: |
2015 |
The Mac Game: Validity of a Measure of Strategic Intelligence. 11th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Philippine social science center Diliman, Quezon City Philippine, August 21,2015
Author: |
Matsumoto, Y., Li, Y., Kiyonari, T., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Extendibility and instrumental usage of inter-personal networks among Chinese and Japanese. 11th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Philippine social science center Diliman, Quezon City Philippine, August 21, 2015
Author: |
Li, Y., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Precise predictions of intelligence and personality traits from brain structure. Neuroinformatics 2015, Cairns, Australia, August 20-22, 2015
Author: |
Kanai, R., Mizutani, H., Takagishi, H., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Self-control for Self-interest. International Conference "Morality: Cognitive and Evolutionary Origins" Santiago, August 1, 2015
Author: |
Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Cross-generational differences in independence and interdependence of Japanese people during the time of globalization. Society for Personality and Social Psychology 16th Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA February 26-28, 2015
Author: |
Hashitomo, H., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Service Employee Improvisation: Organizational Influence across Culture. The 24th Frontiers in Service Conference, San Jose, CA, July 9-12, 2015
Author: |
Luria, G., Rayburn, S.W, Yagil, D., Fisk, R.P, Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2015 |
Knowledge Transfer in Service Globalization: Cultural Context, De/Re-contextualization Capabilities, and Reception/Transmission Behavior. The 24th Frontiers in Service Conference, San Jose, CA, July 9-12, 2015
Author: |
Fujikawa, Y., Ono, J. |
Year: |
2015 |
Service Knowledge Generation and Transfer in Asia: Role of COEs, Host-country Environment, and Subsidiary Competence. The 3rd International Conference of Society for Serviceology, San Jose, CA, July 7-9, 2015
Author: |
Kitagawa, H., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2015 |
Role of Regulator in Value Co-creation: Using Crowd Sourcing Technology on Open Innovation Platform. The 3rd International Conference of Society for Serviceology, San Jose, CA, July 7-9, 2015
Author: |
Nishiyama, K., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2015 |
Cognitive control suppressed heuristic cooperation. International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 23-26,2015
Author: |
Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Rational defectors do not punish norm violators but reject unfair offers. International Conferencce on Social Dilemmas, Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 23-26
Author: |
Li, Y., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Why general cooperation levels increase with age. International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 23-26, 2015
Author: |
Matsumoto, Y., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Representation of social preferences in the structure and function of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 23-26, 2015
Author: |
Fermin, A., Kiyonari, T., Matsumoto, Y., Li, Y., Sakagami, M., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Effects of the focus on goals versus processes of actions on consumers’ perceptions of service recovery efforts. 2015 Naples Forum on Service. September 12, 2015 Italy
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Takemura, K., Hamamura, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Cognitive and emotional theory of mind in the ultimatum game and the dictator game. Seminar of establishing systems, Kochi University of Technology, June 3, 2015
Author: |
Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Punishment of "norm violators" in three punishment games: Ultimatum game, second-party punishment game, and third-party punishment game. Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, University of Missouli, May 27-30, 2015
Author: |
Yamagishi, T., Li, Y. |
Year: |
2015 |
Culture and Realistic Expression of Solid Figures: Rule-Versus Exemplar-Based Visual Judgement. Poster presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, California, February 26-28, 2015
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Miyamoto, Y., Watanabe, K., Katsumura, F. |
Year: |
2015 |
Differential Impacts of Employees' Cultural Self-Construals on Job Satisfaction and Workplace Social Relationship Between Japanese Companies and Foreign-owned Companies in Japan. Poster Presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA, February 26-28, 2015
Author: |
Katsumura, F., Akutsu, S., Uchida, Y., Kitayama, S., Ogihara, Y. |
Year: |
2015 |
Do Japanese workers feel lonelier in local Japanese companies than in foreign-owned multinational companies in Japan? If so, why? - A cultural psychological inquiry. Poster presented at the16th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA, February 26-28, 2015
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Uchida, Y, Katsumura, F., Ogihara, Y., Kitayama, S. |
Year: |
2015 |
Cognitive and emotional theory of mind in the ultimatum game and the dictator game. Retreat, Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute, Hakone Yumoto Fujiya Hotel, February 25-27, 2015
Author: |
Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Cognitive and emotional theory of mind in the ultimatum game and the dictator game. Conference on "Cognitive Control and Social Decision Making," Toulouse, January 15-16, 2015
Author: |
Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2015 |
Organizational Status, Age and Adoption of Norm-deviant Innovations: Evidence from the Japanese Banking Industry,1984-2007. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference Sydney 2014, December 6-8, 2014
Author: |
Makarevich,A., Edman, J. |
Year: |
2014 |
A Knowledge-based Management Perspective on Open Innovation - Knowledge Maneuverability - 1st Annual World Open Innovation Conference, December 4-5, 2014
Author: |
Nonaka, I. |
Year: |
2014 |
Costly punishment in three games: Ultimatum game, second-party punishment game, third-party punishment game. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, December 1, 2014
Author: |
Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2014 |
Cultural differences in donation behavior: Effect of independent and interdepent self-construals 96th Research Conference of Japan Institute of Marketing Science 2014 Tokyo
Author: |
Haga, M., Suzuki, S., Akutsu, S., Jiaotong, X., Kohlbacher, F. |
Year: |
2014 |
Cultural differences in beliefs and preferences. International Workshop on Exploring Culture and Behavior by Economic and Psychological Experiments, The Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen, November 25-26, 2014
Author: |
Yamagishi, T |
Year: |
2014 |
The Effects of Self-Construals and Anger Expression on Subjective Well-Being. NCA 100th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, November 19-23, 2014
Author: |
Yamaguchi, A., Kim, M.S., Akutsu,S. |
Year: |
2014 |
Trust and assurance in individualist and collectivist societies. Annual Meeting of the German Association for Social Science Research on Japan, Japanese-German Center Berlin, November 21-23, 2014
Author: |
Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2014 |
The Effects of Self-Construals, Anger Expression, and Social Anxiety on Perceived Stress. NCA 100th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL November 19-23, 2014
Author: |
Yamaguchi, A., Kim,M.S., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2014 |
Social value orientation and choice type dependent activity in the dorsal prefrontal cortex and amygdala. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 15-19, 2014
Author: |
Fermin, A. S. R., Kiyonar, T., Matsumoto, Y. Li, Y., Sakagami, M., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2014 |
Does minocycline, a microglial inhibitor, reduce the bias in cheater-detection in social/economic exchange? Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 15-19, 2014
Author: |
Watabe, M., Kato, T. A., Horikawa, H. Shinada, M., Yamagishi, T., Kanba, S. |
Year: |
2014 |
Relationships of Collapse: Structural Holes, Opportunism and Fraud in Financial Markets 5th Annual CIRANO-Sam M. Walton College of Business Workshop on Networks in Trade and Finance October 3-4, 2014 Arkansas
Author: |
Hannibal, B., Ono, H. |
Year: |
2014 |
The Japanese employment system in the 1990s Japan Economic Association meeting, Fukuoka, October 2014
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2014 |
When Interdependent do not donate: The Effect of Fear on Charitable Giving. Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 2014
Author: |
Suzuki,S., Akutsu,S., Kohlbacher, F. |
Year: |
2014 |
The internationalization process of the high-context communication services. ICServ2014 The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology September 14-16 2014 Yokohama, Japan
Author: |
Suzuki, S. Takemura, K. |
Year: |
2014 |
Co-creation Orientation: Individual Difference across Firms and Customers. ICServ 2014, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, September 14-16, 2014
Author: |
Ono, J., Fujikawa, Y., Akutsu,S., Haga, M. |
Year: |
2014 |
Service Globalization: Cultural Context, De/Re-contextualization Capabilities, and Knowledge Transfer Behavior. ICServ 2014, The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, September 14-16, 2014
Author: |
Fujikawa,Y., Ono, J., Haga, M., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2014 |
Does multicultural experience increase creativity in the social interactions? Poster to be presented at the 78th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association September 10-12, 2014 Kyoto
Author: |
Takemura, K., Fujiwara, K., , Suzuki, S. |
Year: |
2014 |
Relationship of Collapse: Structural Holes, Opportunism and Fraud in Financial Markets. American Sociological Association meeting, San Francisco, USA, August 18, 2014
Author: |
Hannibal, B., Ono, H. |
Year: |
2014 |
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- We explore the social-behavioral aspects of financial markets and examine the role of social relations and networks which eventually led to the market crash in the telecommunications sector. We hypothesize that the network characteristics of financial intermediaries allowed securities analysts to control and manipulate information that was publicized to investors. We argue that structural holes in the network of actors within the telecommunications market generated opportunities for malfeasance, bringing about the market collapse. We highlight the harmful effects of over-embeddedness by illustrating that strong and dense networks within the finance sector distorted the flow of information. We also explore how identity, status, role conformity and herding behavior played into the market crash in telecommunications.
Cross-border gatekeeper of foreign creative industry products: The case of manga (Japanese comics) and sushi in French market. 2014 Global Marketing Conference July 2014 Singapore
Author: |
Matsui, T., Suzuki, S., Washida, Y. |
Year: |
2014 |
Engaging and Disengaging Aspects of Independence and Interdependence: An Adaptationist Perspective. International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Reims, France, July 15-19, 2014
Author: |
Hashimoto, H., Yamagishi, T. |
Year: |
2014 |
Knowledge Transfer in Service Globalization: Cultural Context, De/Re- contextualization Capabilities, and Reception/Transmission Behavior. Froniters in Service Conference 2014, University of Miami, Florida, USA, June 26-29, 2014
Author: |
Fujikawa, Y., Ono, J., Haga, M., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2014 |
Does individual cultural differences impact on value co-creation process? AMA SERVSIG 2014, International Service Research Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 13-15, 2014
Author: |
Haga, M., Akutsu, S., Fujikawa, Y., Ono, J. |
Year: |
2014 |
Co-creation Orientation of Customers: Its Effects on Co-creation Activities. AMA SERVSIG 2014, International Service Research Conference, Thessaloniki, June 13-15, 2014
Author: |
Ono, J., Fujikawa, Y., Akutsu, S., Haga, M. |
Year: |
2014 |
Globalization of omotenashi services. The case of FamilyMart (in Japanese). 2nd Annual Meeting on Society of Serviceology April 28-29,2014 Hakodate
Author: |
Suzuki, S. |
Year: |
2014 |
SPARC Model for Cross-cultural Conflict Soshigakkai Presentation 2014
Author: |
Robinson, P. |
Year: |
2014 |
Globalization and the Erosion of Job Security in the Japanese Labor Market: A Social Mechanism Approach Liberal Arts International Conference 2014 Texas A&M University at Qatar January 26- 28, 2014
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2014 |
Self-Construals and Interactive Constraints on Consumer Complaining Behaviors in Japan. Japan-U.S. Communication Association, NCA 99th Annual Convention, Washington D.C., November 21-24, 2013
Author: |
Yamaguchi, A., Kim,M.S., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2013 |
The Effects of Self-Construals and Interactive Constraints on Consumer Complaint Behaviors across Cultures. Scholar to Scholar, NCA 99th Annual Convention, Washington D.C., November 21-24, 2013
Author: |
Yamaguchi, A., Kim,M.S., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2013 |
Levels of Self-Criticism and Self-Compassion in Depression among College Students in Japan. Health Communication Division, NCA 99th Annual Convention, Washington D.C., November 21-24, 2013
Author: |
Yamaguchi, A., Kim, M.S., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2013 |
The Effects of Self-Construals, Self-Criticism, and Self-Compassion on Depression. Japan-U.S. Communication Association, NCA 99th Annual Convention, Washington D.C., November 21-24, 2013
Author: |
Yamaguchi, A., Kim, M.S., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2013 |
Boundary Spanning vs Status: Competing Drivers of Institutional Deviance in the Japanese Syndication Market.ESADE. Paper presented at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, November 15, 2013
Author: |
Edman, J., Makarevich, A. |
Year: |
2013 |
Career Mobility in the Embedded Market: How Workers Find Jobs in the Japanese Financial Sector 2nd Annual CIRANO-CIREQ Workshop on Networks in Trade and Finance October 25-26, 2013 Montreal, Canada
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2013 |
Differential Impact of Interpersonal Engagement Orientations on Customer Satisfaction across Cultures through Customer Participation in Service Process: A Structual Equation Modeling-Based Multi-Group Analysis. The 44th Annual Conference of Association for Consumer Research North American Conference 2013, October 3-6, 2013
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Haga, M., Fujikawa, Y., Ono, J. |
Year: |
2013 |
Educational Credentialism and Elite Formation in Japan: A Long-term Perspective 2013 Japanese Economic Association Annual Meeting September 14-15, 2013 Kanagawa University
Author: |
Ono, H., Kawaguchi, D. |
Year: |
2013 |
How Competitive Dynamics Affect Knowledge Seeking Behavior of Market Leaders and Followers. 73rd Academy of Management 2013 Annual Meeting Orlando, Florida
Author: |
Park, N.K., Mezias, J., Lee, J., Choi, K., Seo, D. |
Year: |
2013 |
Observer intervention in incidences of religious harassment in the workplace. 73rd Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2013 Orland, Florida
Author: |
Ghumman, S., Ryan, A. M., Park, J. S. |
Year: |
2013 |
Reputation Incongruence and the Preference of Stakeholder: In the Context of MBA Ranking. 73rd Annual Meeting of Academy of Management 2013 Orland, Florida
Author: |
Park, J. S., Rhee, M. |
Year: |
2013 |
“Welfare States and the Redistribution of Happiness.” Presented at American Sociological Association meeting, New York. August 2013.
Author: |
Ono, H., Lee, K.S. |
Year: |
2013 |
Cultural influence on customer participation in value-creation activities Summer SCP at APA (Division 23) 121st Annual Convention, August 2013
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Haga, M., Fujikawa, Y., Ono, J. |
Year: |
2013 |
Framing From Afar: External Agents and the Construction of the Japanese Ji-Buru Industry. Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, August 2013
Author: |
Ahmadjian, C., Edman, J. |
Year: |
2013 |
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- This paper explores how "framing from afar," in other words, the construction of categories by external agents--policy makers, regulators, local governments, consulting firms and other actors--influences the establishment and subsequent evolution of a new industry. We use the case of the Japanese microbrewery industry to demonstrate how initial external category-setters shape the evolution of the industry by influencing the type of producers that enter and what they produce. We show that external agents used the pre- existing term "jibiru" - meaning regional or local beer - to define the new industry in terms of regional economic growth. This broad category framing served to legitimate entry by producers from a diverse range of backgrounds, and invited extreme experimentation around local and regional ingredients; it also made it difficult for the industry to reach a shared consensus on the taste and characteristics of the products.
Our findings contribute to the literature on industry emergence by demonstrating how early category framing by external actors - whose interests may diverge from those of consumers and producers - may impact the nature of entrants, their product development choices, as well as the long-run legitimacy of the industry itself.
Co-creation Orientation: The Construct, Antecedents, and Consequences. Frontiers in Service Conference July 2013
Author: |
Ono, J., Fujikawa, Y., Akutsu, S., Haga, M. |
Year: |
2013 |
Service Globalization: Measuring Cultural Context, Contextualization Capabilities, and Knowledge Transfer in Value Co-creation Process. 22nd Frontiers in Service Conference National Taiwan University, Taipei, July 4-7, 2013
Author: |
Fujikawa, Y., Ono, J., Haga,M., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2013 |
Cultural differences in customer participation: Impacts on customer purchase and consumption behavior. 22nd Frontiers in Service Conference National Taiwan University, Taipei, July 4-7,2013
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Haga, M., Fujikawa, Y., Ono, J. |
Year: |
2013 |
Effects of cultural orientation on customer goals: A dynamic analysis. 22nd Frontiers in Service Conference National Taiwan University, Taipei, July 4-7, 2013
Author: |
Haga, M., Akutsu, S., Ono, J., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2013 |
Japanese multinational companies' technological innovation in China presented at the Asia Academy of Management's Summer Research Forum in Hong Kong, June 2013
Author: |
Sun, K. |
Year: |
2013 |
Institutional Environments as shaping Employee Expectations and Tacit Knowledge in China and Japan. Association of Japanese Business Studies 2013
Author: |
Yoshikawa, K., Ma, L., Robinson, P. |
Year: |
2013 |
Comparative Business Systems:Institutionalized Monitoring and National Differences in Employee Impression Management and Expectations in China, Japan, Korea, & the U.S. Academy of International Business 2013
Author: |
Robinson, P., Ma, L. |
Year: |
2013 |
Globalization of omotenashi service: A case of Shiseido’s entrance into China
Author: |
Suzuki, S., & Harada, M. |
Year: |
2013 |
Cultural differences in representation of three-dimensional space: Linear perspective versus "Mitsuwari" composition. 14th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 18, 2013
Author: |
Akustu, S., Miyamoto, Y., Watanabe, K., Peng, K. |
Year: |
2013 |
Negative Impact of Seeking Independence in a Global Japanese Company. SPSP2013, Cultural Psychology Preconference to 14th Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology New Orleans, USA, January 17, 2013
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Uchida, Y., Katsumura, F., Ogihara, Y., Kitayama, S. |
Year: |
2013 |
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- It has been suggested that under globalization, Japanese organizations become to seek "independence" (Uchida & Ogihara, in press). Unlike in the US, however, independence in Japan has more negative connotations, especially in its deteriorating effect of social relationships. In this study, we examined the impact of independence (vs. interdependence) in a large Japanese company facing globalization, which have been shifting away from seniority toward pay-per-individual performance system. Twenty-nine employees in the company (22-58 years old) participated in a study, in which they were instructed to recall and describe the situations where they experienced independence from colleagues (N=14) or they experienced interdependence with colleagues (N=15). After 20-minutes recall session, they were asked to evaluate their own emotions, colleague's emotions toward them, and their feeling of ability and power under the situation. Eighteen independent and 35 interdependent situations were obtained from the study, showing that independent situations were less likely to be recalled. The results also indicated that negative emotions (e.g., miserable) were more strongly experienced by the participants in the independent (vs. interdependent) situations whereas positive emotions (e.g., joy) were more strongly experienced in the interdependent (vs. independent) situations. Furthermore, participants evaluated other's positive emotions toward them more positively in the interdependent situations. Although independence is suggested to be related to power, the independent situations were less likely to be evaluated to lead "feeling ability and power." Confirming the theory of conjoint models of agency, Japanese workers evaluated interdependence more positively and felt even autonomy and ability in the interdependent situations.
Donating and volunteering in the Aging Society: Perspectives from Post 3-11 Japan Paper presented at the 45th Meeting on Japan Association for Consumer Studies, Tokyo, Japan, October 27, 2012
Author: |
Kohlbacher, F., Suzuki, S., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2012 |
Exploration of cultural differences in donating behavior: Examination of motivation and happiness among the Japanese donors. The 45th Conference of the Japan Association for Consumer Studies, October 27, 2012, Tokyo
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Kohlbacher, F., Akutsu, S., |
Year: |
2012 |
I don't need an agreement on my inconsistent consumption preferences: Multiple selves and consumption in Japan. Association for Consumer Research 2012 North America Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Vol. 40 pp.469-474
Author: |
Suzuki, S., Akutsu, A. |
Year: |
2012 |
Globalization and the Erosion of Job Security in the Japanese Labor Market: A Social Mechanism Approach Presented at Social Mechanism Workshop, Madrid, Spain. October 2012.
Author: |
Ono, H. |
Year: |
2012 |
Effects of projection geometry in drawing of 3D objects and scenes on reality and preference judgments. The 16th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Brighton, UK. July 2-6, 2012
Author: |
Chen, N., Tsubomi, H., Akutsu, S., Peng, K., Watanabe, K. |
Year: |
2012 |
Loyal customers or brand fans? - Who get most involved in what value co-creation activities? 21st Frontiers in Service Conference,College Park, MD, USA, Proceeding, p.68. June 14-17, 2012
Author: |
Haga, M., Akutsu, S. |
Year: |
2012 |
Dynamic Updating Process of Customer's Motivation for Participating in Value Co-Creation. 21st Frontiers in Service Conference, College Park, MD, USA, Proceeding, p.68. June 14-17, 2012
Author: |
Ono, J., IItaka, S., Haga, M., Akutsu, S., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2012 |
Cultural Affordance View of Value Co-Creation: Toward an Interactive and Dynamic Value Co-Creation Model of the Firm, Customer, and Environment. 21st Frontiers in Service Conference, College Park, MD, USA, Proceeding, p.54.June 14-17, 2012
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Fujikawa, Y.,Ono, J., Morimura, K. |
Year: |
2012 |
Service Globalization: De-Contextualization and Re-Contextualization of Value Co-Creation Processes. 21st Frontiers in Service Conference, College Park, MD, USA, Proceeding, p.29. June 14-17, 2012
Author: |
Akutsu, S., Haga, M., Ono, J., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2012 |
Social dynamics in diffusion of new consumption practices: Concurrence of actions by firms and media. 62nd Annual Meeting on Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution May 25-27, 2012 Hokkaido
Author: |
Suzuki, S. |
Year: |
2012 |
Dynamic organizational capabilities: Distributed leadership and fractal organization. In Strategic Management of Military Capabilities: Seeking Ways to Foster Military Innovation NIDS International Symposium on Security Affairs Tokyo The National Institute for Defense Studies 2012
Author: |
Nonaka, I. |
Year: |
2012 |
Combining Two Complementary Systems Approaches to Conflict in Multinational Mergers: A Japanese-American Merger as an Extreme Test Case AIB Competitive Paper Presentation Proceedings 2012
Author: |
Robinson, P. |
Year: |
2012 |
Reality as an Institutional Construction: The Press and Market Perceptions of Corporate Downsizing in Japan AOM Competitive Paper Presentation Proceedings 2012
Author: |
Robinson, P. |
Year: |
2012 |
Religious Harassment in the workplace: An examination of Observer Interventions. 27th Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology April 26-28, 2012 San Diego, CA
Author: |
Ghumman, S., Ryan, A. M., Park, J. S. |
Year: |
2012 |
Perceived Stigma of Nondrinkers in South Korean Culture. 27th Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology April 26-28, 2012 San Diego, CA
Author: |
Kim, S., Ghumman, S., Park, J. S. |
Year: |
2012 |
- More
- This research seeks to understand the perceived stigmatization of nondrinkers whose preferred abstinence may
directly be in conflict with workplace drinking norms. 228
South Korean employees indicated how they perceive
stigmatization of nondrinkers in the workplace and how
they manage their drinking restrictions in front of others.
How Institutions Constrain Organizational Action: Practices, Categories and Audiences Academy of Management 2012
Author: |
Edman, J. |
Year: |
2012 |
Institutional change in Japanese Banking: Status, Status Mobility and the Adoption of Syndicated Lending Association of Japanese Business Studies 2012
Author: |
Edman, J. |
Year: |
2012 |
Measuring Cultural Effects on Co-creation between Company and Customers. The 40th Behaviometric Society of Japan National Conference, University of Niigata Prefecture, September 14, 2011
Author: |
Haga, M., Morimura, F., Fujikawa, Y. |
Year: |
2011 |
Context Management Approach to Value Co-Creation (VCC): Process Model of Customer as Value Co-Creator. The 20th Frontiers in Service Conference, Proceeding, 14-15, Ohio State University, June 30-July 3, 2011
Author: |
Fujikawa,Y., Akutsu, S., Ono, J. |
Year: |
2011 |
The Social-Institutional Bases of Happiness: An International Comparison. International Symposium on Risk, Social Stratification and Changes in Institutions February 8, 2011 Bryn Mawr College
Author: |
Ono, H., Lee, K. S. |
Year: |
2011 |
- More
- We examine the determinants of happiness from a comparative perspective. We use data from the 2002 International Social Survey Programme with roughly 40,000 individuals nested within 30 countries. We apply a multi-level modeling approach to formulate the specific interactions between the macro and micro. We focus on public social expenditures and taxes as proxy measures of state intervention at the macro-level, and happiness as the specific measure of welfare outcome at the micro-level. Our study suggests that happiness in the welfare states closely reflects the redistribution of wealth and resources in these countries. We find clear evidence that happiness is transferred from the low-risk to high-risk individuals in the welfare regimes. For example, we find that married persons are significantly happier, but single persons are significantly less happy in the welfare states. This finding suggests that pro-family ideology of the welfare states protects families from social risk and improves their well-being at the cost of single persons. Further, we find that the happiness gap between the high versus the low-income earners is considerably smaller in the welfare states, suggesting that happiness is transferred from the privileged to the less privileged.
Inter-Unit Conflict, Conflict Resolution, and Post-Merger Organizational Integration. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, August 2010
Author: |
Sun, K., Van de Ven, A.H. |
Year: |
2010 |
Surfacing Important but Invisible Issues in American companies in Japan: Process-Oriented Dialogue around Cultural Conflicts
Author: |
Robinson, P. |
Year: |
2010 |
- More
- Surfacing Important but Invisible Issues in American companies in Japan: Process-Oriented Dialogue around Cultural Conflicts,
(Presented at Conference on Foreign Firms in Japan at Kobe University, Accepted for Competitive Panel, Academy of International Business, June 2010, and American Sociological Association, August 2010.)
Reflections on Our Longitudinal Study of Healthcare Organization Change. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, August 2010
Author: |
Van de Ven, A.H., Bechara, J., Sun, K., Leung, R. |
Year: |
2010 |
Inter-Linkages between Educational Institutions and White Collar Labor Mobility in Japan, Germany, and the U.S. Academy of International Business, June 2010
Author: |
Robinson, P. |
Year: |
2010 |
A Reciprocal Model of Intergroup Conflict and Post-Merger Organizational Integration presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 2009
Author: |
Sun, K., Van de Ven, A.H. |
Year: |
2009 |
Led Post-Conference Workshop at the First World Congress on Positive Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, June 2009
Author: |
Robinson, P. |
Year: |
2009 |
Transforming Dissenting Voices into Useful Information: A Systems Approach to Organizational Conflict. Presented at the Pegasus Conference of the Society of Organizational Learning, for an audience of 200 managers, Seattle, November 2009
Author: |
Robinson, P. |
Year: |
2009 |
Breakdowns in Models of Organization Change and Development, presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 2007.
Author: |
Van de Ven, A.H., Sun, K. |
Year: |
2007 |
Nationality Diversity and Psychological Safety: Uneven Learning Effects in Multinational Teams? presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 2007
Author: |
Zellmer-Bruhn, M., Gibson, C., Sun, K. |
Year: |
2007 |
Toyota’s Global Knowledge Creation Strategy, Academy of International Business 2007 Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, June 25-28, 2007.
Author: |
Ichijo, K., Kohlbacher, F. |
Year: |
2007 |
The Toyota Way of Strategic Knowledge Creation in Emerging Markets 26. Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, Wien, October 29-November 1, 2006
Author: |
Ichijo, K.Ichijo, K. Kohlbacher, F. |
Year: |
2006 |
Knowledge Creation in Asian Markets - The Toyota Way The 48th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business 2006 Beijing, China June 23-26,2006
Author: |
Ichijo, K., Kohlbacher, F. |
Year: |
2006 |
“Cross-Border Acquisitions and Cross-Border Knowledge Sourcing: Why Learning from the Local Is Not for Everyone,” presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, June 2006.
Author: |
Zhao, M., Sun, K. |
Year: |
2006 |
Global Knowledge Creation-The Toyota Way, 15. International Conference on Management of Technology, Beijing, May 22-26.
Author: |
Ichijo, K. Kohlbacher, F. |
Year: |
2006 |
Knowledge Creation in Emerging Markets-The Toyota Way 33. Annual Conference Academy of International Business UK Chapter, Manchester, April 7-8, 2006.
Author: |
Ichijo, K., Kohlbacher, F. |
Year: |
2006 |
Leadership Challenge of Managing Knowledge-based Competence of a Corporation, Presentation at Strategic Leadership Symposium, Lausanne, August 19, 2004.
Author: |
Ichijo, K. |
Year: |
2004 |
The Japanese Management in Evolution, Corso Japan at the Crossroads, Institute Per Gli Studi Di Politica Internazionale Corso, Milan, April 4, 2000.
Author: |
Ichijo, K. |
Year: |
2000 |
A New Value Chain in the Digital Era: Sony’s Strategic Effort for Creating a New Information-based Value Chain, Paper Presented at the 19th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, Berlin, Germany, October 6, 1999.
Author: |
Ichijo, K. |
Year: |
1999 |
One Structure Does Not Fit All: Sony’s Strategic Renewal of Organizational Structure, Paper Presented at the 18th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, Orlando, Florida, November 2, 1998.
Author: |
Ichijo, K., Nonaka, I. |
Year: |
1998 |
Focused Generalists: Organizational Renewal of Japanese Electronics Corporations, Paper Presented at the 17th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, Barcelona, Spain in October 1997.This paper was selected as one of the best papers at the conference, and was published in 1998.
Author: |
Ichijo, K., Nonaka,I. |
Year: |
1997 |
MYCOM: An Organization Creating, Capturing, and Capitalizing on Knowledge Capital—The Role of Knowledge Enablers for Developing Knowledge-Based Competence of Firms, Paper Presented at the 16th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Societ
Author: |
Ichijo, K., Nonaka, I. |
Year: |
1996 |
Organizational Capabilities in Product Development of Japanese Firms The Hitotsubashi-OS Conferene on Asian Research in Organizations October 1995 Hitotsubashi University
Author: |
Kusunoki, K. |
Year: |
1995 |