Leading Innovation

Course Overview

“Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two – and only two – basic functions: marketing and innovation. Everything else is an expense.”
(Drucker, 1954)

As this old quote from Peter Drucker indicates, innovation, defined as the creation of new “value” on a sustainable basis, is a priority for all business enterprises. This course acquaints participants with the internal business processes and corporate cultures that must be fostered in a business enterprise to successfully innovate. This course will cover the different types of technology innovation that are threatening to upend business and the economic order as we know it today.

A corporate leader must be aware of the changing technological landscape, including the emerging threats to standard business models from the new breed of fast-moving and technology-savvy disruptors. Perhaps more importantly, this course is about how managers and organizational architects can design, implement and manage internal processes that will enable an existing business enterprise to not only counter the threat of disruption, but also to create a pipeline of innovation to emerge from the business enterprise.

Course Structure