The Global Network Project

“GNP” is a leading-edge, six-month, project-based course jointly offered by two Global Network partner schools – Hitotsubashi ICS in Japan and the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business in Canada (UBC Sauder). Each year, our students cite it as one of the program’s most transformative experiences.

GNP takes a wide range of MBA business skills right into workplace application:
• Using business models, frameworks and knowledge to address management problems in global contexts
• Integrating contextual factors to analyze situations, develop alternatives and derive solutions
• Showing refined intercultural understanding and communication skills
• Perceiving how leading performance can be created in different contexts
In small teams, students develop innovative business solutions to economic and social issues facing today’s economies such as aging, health, or natural resource allocation. About 100 students, divided into 20 teams, with some 7 faculty from Global Network partner schools, work with client companies.

GNP uses a multi-module, multi-mode learning approach, involving classroom meetings, virtual teamwork, and client-company immersion, at students’ home institutions and in travel to the client location:
1) Pre-departure Workshops and Global Virtual Team Seminar (September thru January)
2) 2-week immersion in Santiago, Chile or Tokyo, Japan (February)
3) a half-day debrief session (March)
Learn about the most recent GNP course below.

GNP 2017-18: Business Solutions to Social Issues

  • Stduents from 30 business schools around the word joined Global Network Week in Santiago, Chile
    GNP 2018 Santiago
  • Professor Yoshi Fujikawa giving  a lecture during GNW about marketing in Japan
    GNP 2018 Tokyo
  • Hitotsubashi ICS Global Network Week Tokyo Zen meditation for managers at Engakuji Temple
    GNW 2018 Tokyo
  • Our Tokyo GNW is the most popular program amongst the Global Network for Advanced Management
    GNW 2018 Tokyo